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tv   Jansing and Co.  MSNBC  June 10, 2014 7:00am-8:01am PDT

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five seconds. three, two, one. standing by for capture. the most innovative software on the planet... dragon is captured. is connecting today's leading companies to places beyond it. siemens. answers. five american soldiers are killed in afghanistan and what military officials are calling friendly fire. an air strike after a taliban attack that went horribly wrong, and a reminder of a war not yet over. >> one hour to the launch, and that is what the clinton countdown clock reads, but hillary is answering questions about benghazi, and sarah palin, and making up a clarification about the hard scrabble and hard choice s th choices that the clintons had to make. and something to be proud of. the attorney general will mark
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lgbt pride. does eric holder have the authority to make marriage equality for all? and good morning. this morning, two major scandals for the white house, the v.a. scandal and the bowe bergdahl pr prisoner swap. right now the armed services committee has held a closed briefing on the deal that freed bergdahl who was in captivity for those five detainees. last night, a briefing on the house side did little to appease the republicans upset that the president did not notify them first. >> i'm concerned with the administration telling 80 or 90 people within the administration, and not run member of congress about this. that to me is not following the law. >> meantime, shocking new numbers on patient wait times in the v.a. system dominating the headlines all around the country
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this morning, and now the armed services committee last night, the v.a. inspector general said that now criminal charges are a possibility. >> once someone loses his job or gets criminally charged for doing this, it will no longer be a game. that is going to be the shot heard around the system. >> let's bring in senator richard blumenthal, a democrat from connecticut and a member of the house armed services committee. good morning. >> good morning, chris. >> i want to start with the senate briefing on bowe bergdahl, because you just came out of it and what did you hear and what did you tell us? >> it is a classified briefing, and it is on going and all of us want more facts so that we can really rethink and consider the thoughtful judgment about this issue. >> and well, do you understand the republican concerns and, you just heard frit from the house side after they had their own briefing last night that 80 or 90 members of the administration from the people who worked at the state department to people who worked on the president's
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staff knew about this when congress was not notified. >> i shared those concerns from the very outset and in fact, expressed those concerns about the failure to consult congress. there is a law to require it when any of the detainees are to be released. my feeling is that the administration should have shared wit memberit with many m congress as it has many sensitive issues including some of the most sensitives that have happen happened in connection with the afghanistan/iraq war, and so, yes, i sharon the concerns and i feel that the administration in fact made a mistake by failing to consult congress. >> well, let's talk about the political implications if we can, and as you know the republicans believe they can take control of the senate, and there is a new "usa today"/pugh poll out that say that the
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president did the wrong thing at 43%, and is this going to hurt people running for congress and the senate in these tight races? >> i think that the american people are going to make judgments about who is doing most to recreate prosperity and to move the economy forward, to make job creation a priority in this country a as well a lot of issues unrelated to bergdahl. >> i don't think that anybody would disagree with you, senatork when ysenato senator, when you look at the polls in the abstract, people don't necessarily look at that, but when you look at the core voters who are motivated to use these issues in the party for motivation, you don't believe that these issues can play into it? >> there are months to go before this election and i think that people are focused on the issues for example of educating their children, putting people back to work, and the v.a. for example
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which is also in the headline today, and i think that you are going to have to make judgments on the individuals based on the records what they have done, and the candidates that are running right now incumbents who are now democratic senators have very strong records of local service, helping people getting things done for the people of their states. i think that is what matters to most people. >> and let me ask you about the v.a., because the numbers released by the internal report yesterday turned out to be worse than initially thought, and more than 100,000 veterans facing long periods to see doctors and more than 57,000 have waited 90 days for the medical appointment s and 64,000 sought care in the past decade and still haven't seen a doctor, and just last night, bernie sanders and john mccain cosponsored a bill to pump up 500 million to hiring more doctors and nurses and 300 million more to increase the hours for the staffers at v.a. and is this a problem though
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that can be solved largely with money? >> i have joined with senator mccain in asking for a criminal investigation, and private department of justice into the widespread and increasing evidence of criminal wrongdoing, and better money is necessary and management and accountability is necessary. the amounts of money have ip creased and so have the numb needs of the veterans and their concentrations of different parts of the country, so there has to be a complete top-to-bottom e review and overhaul of the management of the v.a., and i have said it from the beginning, one resignation is not the answer. we need to fix what is wrong, and it is systemic failings, and that is the reason that the books were cooked, and why there was a cover-up. these kinds of destruction of records and falsification of the documents and the fact that the report also says that 13% of v.a. schedule errs were told to
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falsify records. 8% more were told the create unofficial or secret waiting lists, and that is 20% told in effect to cook the books. i think that indicates not only criminal wrongdoing, but a need for the systemic reform. >> and given the numbers then, let me ask you, when the interim v.a. secretary who promised new measures to deal with the top v.a. leaders tied with fraud at the audited sites stopped short saying that someone should be prosecuted, is that a disappointment to you? it is a disappointment that so far the department of justice has not assumed a leading role in the investigation. i'm not prejudging whether there should be prosecutions or reach anything conclusions as to whether there will be, but there needs to be a credible, prompt, criminal investigation. and the reason is, chris, to restore trust and credibility in the v.a., itself.
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if there is not a department of justice investigation, and remember that only the department of justice has the power to convene a grand jury and only the department of justice and the fbi have the resources to cover all of these more than 50 and probably more than 100 sites where criminal wrongdoing has been alleged, then trust and confidence is going to be erode and endangered within the v.a. and more resources are e definitely necessary and unfortunately the president and the v.a. secretary acting v.a. secretary has allocated hundreds of millions of dollars more, and the sanders and mccain bill which i am strongly supporting is going to allocate more money to hire more doctors and we need more resources and better management and accountability for the wrongdoing, including from the wrongdoing absolutely essential. >> senator richard blumenthal, always great to have you on the program, thank you. >> thank you. now i'm joined by amanda
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terkel and dafna linzer. new accountability that the brand new acting secretary of the v.a. is not saying that we should be looking at criminal charges here. >> and a request and a strong one for the justice department to come in to take the lead which is tough, too. and today, looking at the three stories of the tragic deaths of soldiers in afghanistan and the controversy of the v.a. and bowe bergdahl and this is a tragic story of the united states in war in iraq and afghanistan and how many people today, and how many veterans in arizona had wished that their senator had asked for $500 million ten year s ago for the v.a. and how different would things look today? and when senator blumenthal talks about the local issue ss d the senators running on local issues in their states, the v.a. story is a local story, and
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every state. >> we showed the headlines. >> it is powerful to show how much people are experiencing this story in a very personal way all over the country, and so to me, i think about the things like the $500 million request which is obviously an urgent one and what could be done with that money alone aside from all of the other efforts that we could be seeing across the government today on the story. but, you know, those kinds of efforts again, and the people need to think about why weren't we doing it sooner and how quickly can we respond so that we aren't at that place again with the veterans. >> amanda, when you have strong words as pointed out, three of the stories playing into the si singular narrative and for the republicans that is mismanagement on the part of this white house, does it play into 2014,m man da? >> well, the congress has a role to play, too, and right now the senate and the house are looking at the bills to help fix the v, and as you said with the senator, money ist not the problem, but there are things
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that can be done to upgrade and build new facilities and to the hire more doctors and to increase the accountability at the v.a., and congress does not act and actually pass these bills, because the responsibility son congress, and the senate tried to pass comprehensive v.a. legislation in february and fill buibustere congress when two said no, and so congress has a responsibility, too, if they don't move forward. >> and another controversy dogging the white house is benghazi, and hillary clinton's book goes on sale officially next hour but we have been listening for days the highlights, and she has been playing defense on benghazi, but in an a bshgs krshbc interview,t to really a next level of her own explanation, and let me play that. >> actually, it is more of a reason to run, because i do not believe our great country should be playing minor league ball.
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we ought to be in the majors. i view this as really apart from even a diversion from the hard work that the congress should be doing about the problems facing our country and the world. >> we all knew that it would be the most scrutinized part of the book. we also knew, dafna, that this is the up with thing that would carry through certainly through and expected run in the presidential election, and what are you thinking of the new line? >> yeah, well, what i saw that re really animated she became, and leapt out of the sceeat, and sh was very physical and angry on the hill that day she testified it and aggressive right back with the senators, and you will see it again here. she is like girding for what she knows that if she is going to run the big fight, that the republicans have been pushing, pushing, pushing all of the way here and it is hard to believe that we have so much benghazi, that with her book, it is
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benghazi day one all over again with this, because she is clearly ready for it. >> ready for it, and i wonder, if amanda, thinking, well, let's get the talking points out and all of the attacks out, and we have a long way before the election. >> exactly right. she is trying to show that she was a good secretary of state. she is distancing herself from president obama a little bit, but not too much, and she is trying to show that actually she had maybe better judgment than him on some issues anticipating how horrible this conflict in syria would be and how to pivot to asia, and she is trying to get some of the issues out there just in case e she does run for president. >> and dafna and amanda, so nice to have you here. and we will have also the first clarification that hillary clinton is making coming up this hour. and the military sip vest galting friendly fire that killed five americans in
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afghanistan. there was a security sweep when the alban attacked so they called in the air support, and when the b-1 performed the strike, something went wrong, and five americans were kill and one afghan. this is the deadliest incident in the afghan war. >> and for the second time, the taliban has hit the airport in karac karachi. today, they opened fire on a training facility run by the security force. the taliban have been stepping up attacks in revenge for a drone strike that killed one of their leaders, a and spokesman promised that the attacks will continue. with almost 272 nigerian school can girls still missing, boko haram has struck again. suspected gunmen kidnapped 20 women, and some say 20 girls from a remote settlement from where the other kidnapping happened nearly two months ago.
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the country's military was nowhere to be seen in the raid and with only a group of vigilantes with hunting rifles unable to stop the abduction. >> and coming up, disturbing new details about the las vegas shoot shooting. >> she hugged me, them hugged me, and said, that he had to do what he wanted to do and the revolution had begun. >> and police say they put "don't tread on me" on a victim's body, and a swastika, and were warning signs overlooked? post from the breakr. great! did it hurt? when you fell from heaven (awkward laugh) ...a little.. (laughs) im sorry, i have to go. at&t is building you a better network. still running in the morning? yeah. getting your vegetables every day?
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we are getting more chilling details of sunday's las vegas shooting including the couple e behind it, jared and amanda miller. they left the "don't tread on me" flag and a swastika on one
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of the body's. they say they shot two police aoff sers and a walmart employe. we learned that they were at a nevada ranch in april, and jared talking to las vegas aftfiliat k knrv before they were kicked off of the ranch. >> i feel sorry for any federal agents who want to come in and push us around or anything like that, and i don't want violence toward them, but if they bring the violence to us, if that is the language that they want to speak, we will learn it. >> and joining me is the senior fellow at the southern poverty center who tracks extremists mark potack, and welcome. >> thank you, chris.
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>> and i don't want to be too critical, but if they are getting kicked awe of the cliven bundy ranch for being radical, what was missed here? >> well, i can tell you that they were patriots of the ranch, bundy's ranch and they were apparently kicked off of the ranch, because some of the militia groups discovered that he was a background as a felon and carrying a piston which he is of course not allowed to do as a convicted felon, but further, what i can tell you is that when you look at the postings of him in particular, they are almost all about guns. he talks endlessly about liberty, and about the government is a fascist government and a -- >> well, can we look at a few of those, because we have them. from the facebook posts. i will willingly die for liberty and to stop this oppression can only be accomplished i fear through bloodshed and the last post, the dawn of a new day, and may all of the coming sack rifis
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be worth it, and the neighbors said they had been talking ip creasingly about guns and cops, and they felt that they were frankly all hot air. when do you though they are warning signs or are these clearly the kinds of things that can prestage this kind of event? >> well, i don't believe it is that clear, because when you look at the postings, the cle clearinclea clearest that he gets is when he talks about the idea of people who oppose the strong second amendment protech protections of the gun rights should be deport ord hung from the nearest lamp post. so that did seem to be the core issue, and again and again he comes back to no real indication that they had white supremist beliefs. and clearly, that swas stika thrown down on one of the slain officers is to say that the police are fascists and nazis and he wrote about that quite a
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bit on the facebook page. >> and how is this from your expertise fitting into the big picture, because i know your group tracks growth in these groups, and since president obama took office and what is the picture now? >> well, these groups have been growing rapidly in the last five years or so, and they are angrier, and angrier, and the bundy standoff was seen as the great precipitating event. and it was of course from the point of view of the patriot groups, and untram melled vi vicktri. at the end of the day, the militia men and the law enforcement were pointing weapons at each other. and the federal government backed down, so it is was seen by p many as a great opening battle in the war against the federal government, and it seems quite possible that the millers felt that the war had really
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started and by golly, they were doing to do their part. >> thank you, mark potok and so great to have your expertise on the program. >> thank you. and hillary clinton is about to e release her new book, but she has already had to make some back steps about being broke. we will hear more about that in a moment. and plus, it feels that the map is changing everyday and we will look at the fast-moving fight of same-sex marriage rights in a moment. ♪
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attorney general eric holder called lgbt rights one of the challenges of our time and at the top of the hour, 11:00 a.m. eastern time he is going to mark the justice department's lgbt's pride observance. and that is at the same time that the wisconsin same sex ban was struck down last week, and so that the number of states
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allowing same-sex marriage is 20-plus d.c. and as we approach the supreme court's striking down the defense of marriage act, and the proposition 8, there will also be a new fight. and so we are joined by jo becker who is the author of "forcing the spring." and talk about eric holder and the administration and where he is in the fight. >> well, when i talk ted to him for the book, he talked about this and said that, you know, there is a few decisions that you make as attorney general that even as you are making them, you know how historic they were, and all of the legal decisions that he made to help get the country to where we are today. you know, they were not easy decisions at the time, and he made that very controversial
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decision within his own department to cease defending doma of course. >> how did that fight go? >> well, the chief justice of the united states was not defending the law and not only not defending it, but aggressively arguing that it was not constitutional and what is unusual about that is that the justice department typically defends the laws passed by congress whether you like them or not, but in the case, he said that as he considered the path forward on this, he kept thinking about the past, and eric holderer, the first african-american attorney general said he could not prevent himself from comparing this fight to the fight of the civil rights in the previous era. >> and since that time, no chief justice has upheld the bans and moved on the ir circuit courts and how big of a lift will they have in some of the fairly
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conservative circuits though. and what do you see going forward in the next year? >> well, the cases on the fastest track are the 4th and the 10th circuit and both pretty conservati conservative. you have a virginia case filed by ted olsen and ted boyes who filed the prop 8 case and cases in oklahoma and utah, and, you know, we will see. we will see how the circuits decide it, but as you said, not a single judge since the windsor decision striking down doma has read that decision to in any kind of a way to say that these kinds of bans on same-sex marriage are constitutional and even though the court did not decide that in the windsor case, everybody feels it is a clear message, but of course, we will have to see how 5 of the 9 end up in the final analysis. >> jo becker, the book is "forcing the spring" and thank you for coming on the program. >> thanks. if you read one thing this morning, are you tired a lot? well, check out the "time"
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mmm. amazing. yeah, i get that a lot. alka seltzer heartburn reliefchews. enjoy the relief. right now this morning, more facilities are preparing to handle a surge of unaccompanied undocumented children who are crossing into the u.s. illegally. this week, flotilla, oklahoma, are expected to get as many as 400 children from the facility in nogales, arizona. another busload of kids dropped off in arizona yesterday. the white house is calling it a humanitarian crisis, and 47,000 children entering the country illegally since last fall. senator marco rubio talked a about it this morning. take a listen. >> there are some deep rooted issues driving this. and there are for example
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reports of some rumors circulating in the countries that if you are able to get here, you can stay. that is something that we have to address with those border security in the long term is important, but right now, immediately, we will have to be concerned about the humanitarian aspects of it. >> i want the bring in our strategist maria lisa kumar and leslie sanchez and good morning to both of you, but a it is hard if you are a human being not to be heart broken when you see the little kids cross ing ting the by themselves. and maria teresa, talk a little bit about what the white house is doing about this, because as you know, there have been criticism on the part of the republicans who say that this is all about what they have done in not taking care of the border problems and the immigration problem, and they are laying this directly on the doorstep of barack obama. >> well, i think that it is not only unjust and untrue, but if you look at the reasons why we have a surge in the u unaccompanied minors in the
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borde border, it is because they are a different type of immigration, and a lot of them are political refugees seeking asylum, and they are not only seeking asylum in the united states, but in neighboring country, and a majority of them are seeking asylum in not only honduras and el salvador, but belize and the united states, because of the insurgence of gun violence and drug trafficking. unfortunate unfortunately, we have a number of the parents in the united states and they cannot cross the border, because they are stuck in the legal system as well. is what we are trying to do is to better understand what the circumstances are, but we have to make sure that we are as, you know, as people start to talk about this issue, decoupling it from the larger immigration problem in the country, and this is a different type of immigration, chris, that we are witnessing right now. >> and what the democratic response is and what the white house will tell you is that most of the children are fleeing the countries that are the most dangerous in the world and have
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the highest murder rates per p capita, but we have heard the implication of senator marco rubio that it is tied to the dream act, and this is what democrat josh ernst struck back wi with. >> i don't put much stock in the republican members of congress to put insights on the thoughts of children from south american countries countries, but the fact is that the dream act executive action that the president's adm administration took only applies to those who minors who emigrated or entered the country before june of 2007. >> leslie, a politization of the little kids coming across the border? what is going on here? >> well, a bit of the revisionist h historevision
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ist history on both parts. there is a little bit of truth on both sidesk being u it is that the united states is a relief valve for pressure in latin american countries, and we have seen this plight for four decades and the republicans have passed the most meaningful refo reform for the last four decades that we could talk about, but this is a consistent problem that we are seeing now that was reported among the federal official officials to both governors and our federal legislators talking to the obama administration since 2012. there was a nine-fold increase in the last 12 months of the number of undocumented children crossing the border of exactly teresa maria's point of the narco trafficking and the dangerous situation in central america, but the obama administration cannot turn a blind eye and say they didn't know and allow this crisis ta hop, and the republicans have been trying to push immigration
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reform, but in many cases, you have the anti-amnesty kind of crowd within the republican party, and the tail that is wagging the immigration dog and nothing is getting done. >> that is the point, that nothing is getting done despite of a new poll today that americans overwhelmingly support a path to citizenship, and 62% say that undocumented immigrants should be allowed the gain citizenship, but maria teresa, there is a sense in washington and elsewhere that there is a concern of whether or not this is about the overall immigration problem or the one small part of it. it may in fact have the net effect of canceling out whatever small hope there was for immigration e reform this year. do you believe that? >> well, it is really about the rhetoric and recognizing that we can't complete the two issues that we have. and 11 million people living with within the borders that are undocumented and the young children now that are seeking political asylum, and refugee help. we have to make sure that as we
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continue to talk and we don't conflate the two. >> and well, what is going on in washington, teresa maria, and is there a chance for people who thought that there would be immigration reform this year? >> well, according to the gop, they are was yoog using it as a reason not to get it done. and this is the reason that the gop leadership needs to pay attention to what the constituency desires and what we need for america, because the system is clearly broken and we are not addressing the immediacy of the need. >> and leslie, does this impact what is going to be done this year or not? >> ey the more it dithers on the case, it is going to embolden the president to take more action or no action and allow these humanitarian crises to happen along the border. >> and thank you, both.
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>> thank you, chris. checking the newsfeed this morning, fresh off of signing the executive order to allow student students to cap the monthly loan payments at 10% of the income, this afternoon, president obama takes to tumblr to the answer questions as part of the we week-long push by the president to ease student debt. 70% of those earning a bachelor debt graduate with debt that is averaging $29,000. and a major reversal by clipper's owner donald sterling. he says simply, the team is not for sale. in may, his estranged wife accepted a bid from microsoft ceo steve ballmer to buy it for $2 billion. unprecedented. then last week, he seemed early to accept the deal and drop the lawsuit against the nba which includes a lifetime ban and sale of the team. but in the latest statement, sterling says that the action taken by adam silver and the nba constitutes a violation of my
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rights and fly in the face of the freedoms that are afforded to all americans. i have decided that i must fight to protect my rights. so far no comment from the nba. and we are hearing from a man who led police through a north hollywood neighborhood. they say that the man had a violent record dating back to 1997. most recently stalking and violating his past girlfriend. mandy drury is here with what is moving your money, and how are we doing today and what has been a record run-up so far. >> well, chris, we are pulling back from another all-time high, and yes, we close at another record high yesterday, but you are right, it does seem like every single day, we have been sighing the record highs and what we are increasingly seeing or hearing is that it is a little bit on the economy improving and the hope that the second half of the year is going to be better economically
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speaking, and something to show up in the stock market in terms of what sectors are e leading and fun to see the more defensive sectors lacking and the more cyclically and sectors coming to the forefront, and such as the financials starting to outperform. i will say that a lot of the people are sitting it out, because it is ip credibly low volume, and until we have a major catalyst to the upside or the downside, we are sort of going to keep on melting up, i guess is a good way of putting it or just sort of almost treading water if you like. >> a summer lull. >> yes. >> and while the stock market is going up, so has the price of a cup of coffee. >> yes, the coffee prices have risen about 50% this year. it is a due to a number of things going on overseas and in coffee producing companies such as brazil with the worst drought in decades and a fungus affecting parts of central
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america where the beans come from, and the interesting thing, chris, it is not reflected that much in the retail price of coffee that we pay until now. so prices are, remember, we spoke last week that the prices are going up at certain companies like gone up 9% for fold ersan dunkin' donuts' brand and grocery store and kraft foods who owns maxwell house has raised the prices on the ground coffee prices by 10% in average, and we will start to see it in the terms of the cup of joe that we pay for. >> and thank you, mandy drury. check this out, a live look at the first event of hillary clinton and her book event at barnes & noble in union scare. we will talk about the book launch next. i've got trail mix, peanut lovers, chipotle cheddar, dark chocolate, hot n' spicy... turtle, cookies 'n cream, italian herb & parmesan, sour cream 'n onion, and brownie supreme chex mix. and it rotates.
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enough to diagnose early stage pancreatic cancer. researchers noticed that they had higher levels of two oral bacteria compared to patients without the cancer. researchers hope it leads to early diagnosis and higher survival rates. you have to check out the pictures of the barnes & noble in june union square where 15 minutes from now and a couple of miles from the studio here at rockefeller scenter, hillary clinton will have the first signing of the very first book. people started to line up yesterday afternoon and the washington post suggesting that how many copies she sells and how long it stays on the best seller list could be like an early poll for the 2016 candidacy. and the rollout comes with a line of multiple interviews and ind colluding a sit-down with cynthia mcfadden and she is already backtracking to one thing she said to nbc that she and bill came out of the white
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house dead broke and had to pay for chelsea's education. and can we go back to the picture, because you cannot pose for photographs and you will get roughly four seconds with hillary clinton and you get the book and move on and you can only bring a wallet, a cell phone for a small personal camera although you can't have the selfie done, but i bet you that people try it. let me bring in tracy who is the adviser for the super pac for hillary and democratic strategist. good morning. >> good morning, chris. >> i have to start with the clarification this morning about hillary clinton being dead broke and struggling when her husband left the presidency, and let me play for it. >> well, let me just clarify that i fully appreciate how hard life is for so many americans today. it is an issue that i have
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worked on and cared about my entire adult life. bill and i were obviously blessed. we worked hard for everything that we got in our lives, and we have continued to work hard, and we have been blessed in the last 14 years. >> did it seem a little bit out of touch when you are ub tag about trying to balance mortgages on houses that exceed what any american or the average american could ever hope to have have? >> hillary and bill clinton are as she said, they are blessed. most of all, they have worked incredibly hard. in hillary clinton e's case, sh has made a lifetime commitment to the work on the issues that she is familiar with and grew up with and that her husband certainly grew up with, and she is being very candid, frankly, and what she's also being modest about is how much in fact she and her husband give back. they are quite charitable people and that is worth remembering as we well. >> there have been a lot of the harsh criticism of the book, and david ignatius of the washington post says, quote, there are
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times when the reader feels like he is being spun rather than en lightened and the new york book times review says that there is little news in the book which is a common theme in a lot of the reviews. does it help her or could it even hurt her? >> well, i'm not shure what we are going to define as news. because when i have seen excerpts and reviews and read all of the things that you are certainly referring to, what this book sounds like is her accounting of significant portions and chapters of her tenure as secretary of state. regions of the world, and specific countries and specific instances and the interactions with the decisions she has made and accomplishments that she and the president has done together and to me, that is news as well, but it is how we define it. >> and she is also talking about sarah palin and the 2008 campaign with nbc cynthia mcfadden and let me play it for
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you. >> the day she was nominated the obama campaign did contact me and asked me if i would attack her and i said, attack her for what? being a woman? being on a ticket that is trying to draw at a tension? there is plenty of time to do what i think that you should do in politics which is to draw distinctions. >> and it did not take long for sarah palin to tweet about it, and said that it suggests that it makes the democrats look bad and they are the original people with the war on women if they are asking hillary clinton to come out against sarah palin. and does sarah palin have a point? >> sarah palin is anything a comedien comedienne. >> that is it? you are not at all surprised that the obama administration that sarah palin gets nominated and they want hillary clinton the go out to speak against her? >> well, put sarah palin aside and what hillary clinton goes on the speak quite revealingly about is the pervasivis ee sexif
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the 2008 campaign, and whether ms. palin is part of that conversation or not is not the issue, but i think it is fantastic that she is taking on the topic, and i look forward to what she is going to say. >> well, a huge crowd at union square and a great crowd and a get ready for hillary bus. >> and by the way, you can see more of cynthia mcfadden's interview tonight. and the tweet of the day comes from hillary fallon, hillary clinton wants to put off presidential plans, but when asked where she wants to go, she said, iowa, new hampshire, florida. ♪fame, lets him loose, hard to swallow♪ ♪fame, puts you there where things are hollow♪ the evolution of luxury continues.
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and get the fastest wifi included. comcast business. built for business. these are live pictures from the white house where president obama is about to the sign two more pieces of legislation. the first stt a $12 billion bill that authorizes 34 water projects across the country from deepening a port in ja
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jacksonville, florida to drudging part of boston harbor. and also, it is acknowledging the puerto rican contributions to world war ii and the korean war. and now back to yesterday and it is always a big deal when the ncaa champions get to go to the east room in the white house, but this case, it was the men's and women's basketball teams from university of uconn, and oh, there goes one of the women's players who fell off of the riser a little bit and the president went over and did check on her, and she was fine, and probably a little embarrassed, and she lost her balance there, and he did check to see that she was okay, and it is always cool to be able to go to the white house. >> and this is cool having won the ncaa championship and this is going to wrap up this hour of jansing and company, and "newsnation" is next with kristen welk er. i'm chris jansing, and i will be
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and a very good morning, everyone, i'm kristen welker in for tamron hall and this is "newsnatio "newsnation." with we begin with developing news. u.s. military officials are investigating the deaths of five american soldiers in what is believed to have been a friendly fire incident. it happened last night in the security operation in southern afghanistan. now, if confirmed, it would be one of the deadliest friendly fire incidents in the nearly 14-year war in afghanistan. jim miklaszewski joining me now from the pentagon and what is the very latest that we are learning, mik? is. >> well, these five americans were on a training mission with the afghan security force s s i the province of southern afghanistan in what should have been a routine operation turned into a tragic mishap. it is not clear what the mission was, but apparently some reports that they were out to screen polling stations for